Tuesday, August 11, 2015


   For the first 2 weeks of term we focused on probability as our strand for the term. We did things such as roll dice and predict the outcome, play memory games and see if there was a trend, play dice games with a buddy and discussed the language used in probability as a class. This was lots of fun. Now we are focusing on addition and subtraction. Below are some photos of last weeks Maths lessons, the Rectangles are focusing on place value and creating bundles of 10 to help them with addition. This was the first time the concept was introduced to them and they did fantastically! The Triangles and Squares are focusing on doing addition problems in their heads, not using fingers or counters. This is the biggest step in their mathematical learning and will enable them to move from Stage 2 to Stage 3 once they have mastered this skill. 



  1. Thank you very much Miss Bliss on putting this information on the blog. It is very helpful for the parents to know which topics have been taught to the kids.
    Zabih (Mutahar's Dad)

  2. Great learning Room 5! What a productive start to the term. Keep it up. :)
